


Load File for Analysis: Duplicates the functionality of the Load File button on the Analyze tab. Its keyboard shortcut is the F2 key.

Load Existing Curve: Loads an exsiting curve (*.ppc) that was previously created by PEMPro. The curve will be loaded into the Program Mount tab. Also, if you are in the AP Raw PE, Celestron, Gemini L4, LX200, or RCX400 tab, a raw curve will be automatically created for that mount.

Create a PE Curve: Duplicates the functionality of the Create a PE Curve button on the Analyze tab. Its keyboard shortcut is the F3 key.

Export PE Data: Duplicates the functionality of the Export Data button on the Analyze tab. Its keyboard shortcut is the F4 key.

Screenshot PEMPro to JPEG...: PEMPro will take a snapshot of its main window. This is useful when you need to post a screen shot of PEMPro.



Edit ASCOM Driver Settings...: Opens the ASCOM driver settings window. .

NOTE : It may take up to 5 minutes for some ASCOM dialogs to appear if the serial COM port is set to a port not connected to the telescope or mount. Please be patient and wait for the dialog to appear. During this time PEMPro will not be visible but it is still running in the background. PEMPro will reappear when you exit the ASCOM dialog.

Settings Summary: Opens a dialog that contains all of the configuration settings that were set by the Setup/Calibration Wizard. Here the settings can be reviewed and changed manually if needed. Its keyboard shortcut is the F5 key.


The setting Movement Direction is also used to control whether or not a PE Curve is inverted or not when you press the From Created PE Curve button in the LX-200 GPS, RCX-400, and LX-200 16 tabs. This is necessary to account for the orientation of the camera. So if your periodic error doubles when using the curve you upload to one of those mounts just invert the curve and reload it.


De-Rotate Data: If checked (recommended) PE data will be de rotated to appear on the X-axis. Use the Setup/Calibration Wizard to determine the roll angle of your camera or enter into the Settings Summary dialog the value you obtain from image linking software.

Adjust Data For Declination: If checked (recommended) a star at any declination can be used for measuring periodic error when acquiring PE data.

Calibrate Images when Acquiring Data: If checked the full-frame image is dark subtracted to remove dark noise and hot pixels. However, when PEMPro starts imaging subframes only MaximDL is supported and you will need to set up calibration in MaximDL (see MaximDL documentation).

Disconnect Scope on Disconnect: If checked PEMPro will attempt to disconnect the scope from all applications (not just PEMPro) when you press the Disconnect Scope button in PEMPro.

Disconnect Camera on Disconnect: If checked PEMPro will attempt to disconnect the camera from the camera control application when you press the Disconnect Camera button in PEMPro.

Disable Fundamental Auto-Find: If checked PEMPro will attempt to locate periodic fundamentals in the data when the Create PE Curve button is pressed.

Usually you will not want this item checked but if you wanted to force certain fundamentals to be used, check this item and set the fundamentals in the Mount Configuration Dialog.

Disable Startup Splash Screen: Normally PEMPro will display a splash screen while it initializes. This option disables the splash screen, but the option is not available in trial mode.

Mouse Over Shows data point values: When enabled the values in the graph in the X-axis are shown in a popup window.

Overlap Worm Cycles: by default this is enabled and the graph's X axis will equal one worm cycle in duration. When disabled the X axis will span the duration of the data.

Save Captured Images: When selected creates a subfolder with a date/time string in the Images subfolder and saves all images to that folder when Acquiring periodic error data. You can use the PEMPro Log Zipper utility to bundle the files should a support issue arise.

Keep Main Form on Top: Forces PEMPro to stay on top even if you click to another application.

Restore Last position when starting: If checked PEMPro will restart in the same screen position and size as when you last closed it down. You can force PEMPro to start in the windows default position by pressing the CTRL key when PEMPro is starting.

Ask for File and Comments when Acquiring Data: If checked PEMPro will prompt for a file name and comment before starting an Acquire Data and again for final comments after stopping.

Night Screen Mode : If checked PEMPro will use colors in some views that will show up better when viewed with a red plastic screen in front of the PC.



Worm Period Calculator: Brings up the worm period calculator. Its keyboard shortcut is the F6 key.


Enter the number of teeth in your worm gear (ask the manufacturer if you do not know). PEMPro will calculate the exact worm period. If you click OK PEMPro will use the calculated worm period. If you click Cancel the calculated worm period will not be used.

Show Pulse Test Page: Allows you to send test pulses to your telescope for testing. When checked a new tab appears as below. Its keyboard shortcut is the F7 key.



TIP: If you are using a mount that is not on the general list or that must be programmed via the PEC playback (Program Mount tab) you can use this tool to find a good value for Pulse Modulo.

To do this you will need to know the mount's guide rate. If you cannot determine the guide rate from the mount's documentation or from the hand controller (if the mount has one) you can use the Calibration Wizard to calculate it.

Start with a Pulse Duration of 10 msecs and generate 100 pulses and note how much the telescope moves in RA. The amount that the mount should move in RA arc-seconds is :

Guide Rate * Count * Pulse Duration / 1000

So, for a Guide Rate of 1x Sidereal, count of one hundred (100) 10 millisecond pulses the movement should be 1 second in RA. To be more accurate wih this small pulse you may need to do more pulses, like 1000 or even 5000.

If you find that the mount does not move accurately with 10 msec pulses (not uncommon), you can try the same test with larger pulses until you find a pulse duration that moves the mount accurately.





Mount Wizard: brings up the Mount Quick Setup Wizard. Its keyboard shortcut is the F8 key.

Calibration Wizard: brings up the Setup/Calibration Wizard. Its keyboard shortcut is the F9 key.



Help: Shows this help file.

Registration: Shows registration information.

Check for Updates: Checks if there is a newer version available. Internet access is required.

You can disable the Check for Updates feature by entering a "0" in the field near the top.


CCDWare Support Forum: If you encounter problems and need support this will take you to the CCDWare support forum.

About: Shows PEMPro's version information.